Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Power Points

I love using Power Point presentations even though it is becoming an older technology. It is simple and the tools are very easy to manage. I suppose Movie Maker and other similar programs will supercede Power Point in time. The Power Point program is widely available on most computers that have Microsoft Office - which are by far the majority. It also interfaces smoothly with many Interactive Whiteboards, Mimio which are becoming an integral part of many classrooms - especially with the extra funding that has been available recently. Using a program that is well know like Power Point with a emerging technology (for most teachers) like interactive whiteboards, mimio keeps that level of comfort that then lets you explore in relative 'safety' - therefore building confidence. Even our primary school children regularly use Power point to create holiday albums which they then send to their Grandparents!


  1. I love power points too. I really like the idea of using power points as a digital photo album. As a photo album it could be used in many ways in the children's learning. Apart from sharing holidays with the Grandparents, it could be used for "show and share" in class, or for students to then compose a retell (story), or as a visual diary of the event.

    Cheers, Rachel

  2. I also enjoy powerpoint. I have used it so many times and on each occation i have discovered another feature.


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  4. I also enjoy PowerPoint's as it was nearly always used during any form of presentation in primary and highschool.My teachers often used PowerPoint's to assist in enhancing a speech etc. After learning about all these new technologies however,I am actually surprised it is still so common as well. I was shocked after using the web to look up some information on PowerPoint's and how negative people were towards them as I think they are great, easy to use and free.
